Thursday 17 January 2008

the next RAG meeting

The next RAG is soon. The invitation to attend has come through the post. The area of coverage of the Neighboourhood forum has increased. The interesting part of the letter is the notion that it's the Abbey (formerly Stockbrook) Resident Action Group.

I like the notion of the Abbey project being known as the Abbey (formerly Stockbrrok) project. A point to throw about for discussion.

I see from the agenda that there will be an update on the Quad development and some sort of news about the Stockbrook area website.

The next RAG meeting is scheduled for the 18th March. It comes back to starting and keeping going. Once we have the first art project event day confirmed, it is then so much easier to set the next and the next.

I feel that we should plan for three events. Why three? Because the first sets it going, the second allows for those who missed the first to have a go and by the third we will be able to see how far we have gone from the first to the third. Take the "meet the team" meetings last September, we all learnt from doing those events.

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